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Character Traits of Napoleon in Animal Farm

Character Traits of Napoleon in Animal Farm

The primary adversary of the novel; a pig who is one of Sometime Major'south disciples, along with Snowball. At first, Napoleon and Snowball work together to develop the ideology of Animalism and spread its ethics throughout all the animals on the subcontract, merely Napoleon proves to have very dissimilar goals than Snowball. Where Snowball is relatively idealistic and wants to assistance others, Napoleon before long proves himself savage and power hungry. When the conflict comes to a head over whether or not to build a windmill, Napoleon reveals that he's trained nine dogs to be his underground police force force, chases Snowball off the farm, and institutes a totalitarian country at Animal Farm. He maintains his rule by demanding unwavering loyalty and trust from his subjects, and he achieves at least outward displays of trust through intimidation and the spread of misinformation through propaganda. Napoleon is oftentimes the one to make grand, sinister-sounding pronouncements, but then always sends the hog Squealer around to convince everyone that Napoleon is actually interim in their best interests—and never in his ain cocky-interest. He's especially interested in developing an educated ruling class, which he does by educating the dogs, and afterwards by insisting on educating the 31 piglets he fathers in a special schoolhouse. Throughout the novel, Napoleon proves himself to be paranoid, cocky-important, and unable to take that he'south wrong—he blames all manner of horrible things on either Snowball or the neighboring farmers. By the finish of the novel, Napoleon is undistinguishable from the humans he has denounced forth: he is fat, powerful, and begins to walk on two legs, wear apparel, and carry a whip. In Napoleon's eyes, it's a good thing that the other animals are so hungry and powerless, and he insists that this state of affairs is called for in Lust. He ultimately changes Fauna Subcontract's proper noun back to Manor Subcontract in a bid to make it seem more palatable to the farmers, and he proves himself to be simply as decadent as his human counterparts. Napoleon symbolizes Stalin, who led the Soviet Matrimony from 1930 until his death in 1953.

Napoleon Quotes in Animal Subcontract

The Creature Farm quotes beneath are all either spoken past Napoleon or refer to Napoleon. For each quote, you tin too see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, similar this one:

Totalitarianism Theme Icon


1. Whatsoever goes upon ii legs is an enemy.
2. Any goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear apparel.
iv. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animate being shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall impale any other beast.
7. All animals are equal.

Page Number: 24-25

Explanation and Assay:

"Comrades!" he cried. "Yous do not imagine, I hope, that nosotros pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a hog. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Twenty-four hour period and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that nosotros drink that milk and eat those apples."

Page Number: 35-36

Explanation and Assay:

At this at that place was a terrible baying sound exterior, and 9 enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws.

Folio Number: 52-53

Explanation and Analysis:

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. Simply sometimes you might brand the wrong decisions, comrades, and and then where should we exist?"

Page Number: 55

Caption and Analysis:

"Napoleon is ever right."

Page Number: 56

Explanation and Analysis:

"Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!"

Page Number: 69-70

Explanation and Analysis:

If she herself had had any pic of the hereafter, it had been of a society of animals gear up free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the potent protecting the weak [...] Instead - she did non know why - they had come to a time when no one dared speak his listen, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces later on confessing to shocking crimes.

Page Number: 86-87

Explanation and Analysis:

Somehow information technology seemed every bit though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer—except, of class, for the pigs and the dogs.

Page Number: 129

Caption and Analysis:


Page Number: 134

Explanation and Assay:

The creatures outside looked from hog to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man over again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

Page Number: 141

Explanation and Assay:

Napoleon Character Timeline in Animal Subcontract

The timeline below shows where the graphic symbol Napoleon appears in Animal Farm. The colored dots and icons bespeak which themes are associated with that advent.

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

...imaginations of the more intelligent animals on Manor Farm, specifically the pigs. Two young boars, Napoleon and Snowball, run across that they must set up for the promised rebellion. With a pocket-sized fat... (full context) gaze upon the farm. They audit every building and pasture, ending with the farmhouse. Napoleon and Snowball lead the animals into the house for a tour. They're in awe of... (full context)

...every bit they haven't been milked. The animals wonder what to do with the milk, but Napoleon gallantly tells anybody not to worry about it. When the animals render that evening from... (full context)

...put forth resolutions for fence. The pigs are the merely ones who propose resolutions and Napoleon and Snowball are the most active debaters. However, they never seem to be able to... (full context)

Napoleon takes an interest in the nine puppies born to the dogs, which arrive soon subsequently... (total context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Revolution and Corruption Theme Icon

By late summer, half of England knows about Fauna Farm. Snowball and Napoleon send out pigeons to spread the word to other animals and teach them "Beasts of... (full context) ratify the pigs' decisions, withal. The organisation would exist perfect, except that Snowball and Napoleon disagree on every point. Snowball is meliorate at speaking and disarming animals at meetings, but... (total context)

Snowball speaks often nigh farming theory and develops complicated schemes. Napoleon comes upwardly with no ideas of his own, but quietly insists that Snowball'south schemes are... (full context)

...Afterward this, he says, the animals will just take to piece of work three days per week. Napoleon argues that they need to increase their food product and that focusing on the windmill... (full context)

Revolution and Corruption Theme Icon

...especially since news of the animals' victory at the Battle of the Cowshed has spread. Napoleon insists they must train the animals to utilize firearms, while Snowball proposes they transport out... (full context)

...and brings it to a vote at the Sunday meeting. He makes his instance logically. Napoleon and so stands and says only that the windmill is nonsense, and nobody should vote for... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

Napoleon stands on the raised platform, surrounded by the dogs. The other animals notice that these... (full context)

Later, Hog makes the rounds to explain the new rules. He points out that Napoleon is sacrificing himself by taking on the difficult job of leadership, and he must do... (full context)

...Every Sunday, the animals gather in the barn to get their orders for the week. Napoleon disinters Former Major'due south skull and asks anybody to walk past information technology reverently, while during meetings,... (full context)

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Subsequently, Squealer explains privately that Napoleon never opposed the windmill—it had been his idea and Snowball stole his plans. Napoleon only... (full context)

...won't profit from their efforts. They work 60-hour weeks through the summer, and in August, Napoleon announces that they'll work on Dominicus afternoons. This is voluntary, but animals who don't work... (total context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Revolution and Corruption Theme Icon

...demand tools, machinery, and seeds. Nobody knows how to get these things. One Sunday morning, Napoleon announces that Beast Subcontract will trade with the neighboring farms for the items they demand.... (full context)

...growling dogs silence them, and the sheep begin bleating "Four legs practiced, two legs bad!" Napoleon explains that the animals won't have to see much of the humans, every bit he'due south hired... (full context)

...every Mon. The animals avert him as much as possible, simply they do pridefully watch Napoleon—on four legs—giving orders to a two-legged human. Other humans detest Fauna Farm more than than e'er.... (total context)

...brains of the subcontract, for them to have a quiet place to piece of work. Referring to Napoleon as "Leader," Squealer also insists that information technology's more dignified for Napoleon to live in a... (full context)

Napoleon rushes to the site and snuffles effectually sharply. He of a sudden stops and quietly says that... (total context)

...swallow and fear they'll starve to death, just they muffle this from the exterior earth. Napoleon devises strategies to make it seem to Mr. Whymper that at that place'due south lots of nutrient. (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

The Soviet Union Theme Icon

Virtually the end of January, Napoleon recognizes that he has to discover grain somewhere. He spends most of time in the... (full context)

Rumors circulate that Snowball is hiding at Foxwood or Pinchfield, while Napoleon's relationships with both farms meliorate. Beast Farm has a pile of timber that Mr. Whymper... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

Napoleon announces an investigation into Snowball's activities. He and his dogs tour the subcontract, finding testify... (full context) that Snowball was going to give them all away. His plot would've succeeded if Napoleon hadn't leapt at Mr. Jones crying "Death to Humanity" and bit Mr. Jones's leg. This... (full context)

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Four days later on, Napoleon orders the animals to assemble in the yard and emerges from the farmhouse, wearing both... (full context)

Napoleon asks who else has something to confess. Iii hens confess that in a dream, Snowball... (full context)

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

...she still recognizes that this is better than Mr. Jones's return would be. She'll accept Napoleon's leadership, even if this wasn't what she hoped for. (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Napoleon is at present seldom seen in public. He never goes out without the dogs, and now,... (total context)

The Soviet Union Theme Icon

Napoleon busies himself negotiating with Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington about the timber. Mr. Frederick wants... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

One Lord's day, Napoleon announces that he never considered selling the timber to such a horrible human as Mr.... (full context), and they think of what the windmill volition exist able to do for them. Napoleon announces that they'll proper noun the windmill Napoleon Mill. 2 days later, Napoleon announces that he... (total context)

The Soviet Union Theme Icon

...the banknotes. 3 days later, Mr. Whymper arrives with horrible news: the banknotes are forgeries. Napoleon immediately sentences Mr. Frederick to death and warns that Pinchfield might attack Animal Farm. He... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Class Warfare Theme Icon

...when he and the other animals see their flag, hear the gun, and listen to Napoleon's speech communication, they all concur that this was a dandy victory. They solemnly bury the killed... (full context)

...hear loud singing that sounds suspiciously like "Beasts of England" coming from the farmhouse, and Napoleon inexplicably gallops effectually the yard in Mr. Jones's hat. In the morning, Grunter is the... (full context)

...costless, not slaves. That spring, the 4 sows give birth to 31 piglets, all patently Napoleon'southward children. Napoleon announces plans for a schoolroom for them but teaches them himself in the... (full context)

...year, only it's still short on money. The animals demand edifice materials and saccharide for Napoleon, so Napoleon increases the hens' egg quota to 600 per calendar week. He reduces rations twice... (full context)

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

In April, Animal Farm becomes a Democracy in need of a president. Napoleon is the just candidate and wins the election unanimously. He uncovers more than documents detailing Snowball'due south... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

...Clover, all the animals run to tell Squealer what happened. Squealer concernedly tells Boxer that Napoleon is going to send him for handling at the Willingdon veterinary hospital. This disturbs the... (full context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Class Warfare Theme Icon

...was with Boxer to the end. Boxer'south last words were in back up of the windmill, Napoleon, and Beast Farm. (full context)

...heard rumors that some animals believe Boxer went to the glue factory. This isn't true: Napoleon would never do that, for one, and for another, the veterinary hospital had only purchased... (total context)

...dies and fifty-fifty Boxer is forgotten. Clover is now xiv, just she's still not retired. Napoleon and Sus scrofa are both huge and fat. There are many animals on the farm, but... (total context)

...the farmhouse on two legs besides. The dogs bark and the black cockerel announces Napoleon'south entrance. Napoleon haughtily looks on the other animals and carries a whip in his trotter.... (full context)

...pigs all carry whips, purchase a radio, and install a telephone. It's not odd when Napoleon starts to habiliment clothes and smoke a piping. (full context)

...up to the house and the alpine animals await in through the window. They see Napoleon sitting at the head of the table, surrounded by pigs and men all with mugs... (full context)

Revolution and Corruption Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

Napoleon stands to make a spoken communication. He says that the rumors that Animal Subcontract is rebellious... (full context)

...pitter-patter abroad. They hear an uproar inside and return to the window. They see that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington each played an ace of spades at the same time, and anybody... (full context)

Character Traits of Napoleon in Animal Farm




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